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    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @leo wrote:

    Hi there.

    The issue is that if I use the email addresses of the users for such a purpose it can easily turn into an action against Symbiostock itself, since it could be construed as a competing strategy of questionable ethics. But I see no harm in people doing things of their own accord. Its a sort of gray area.

    I’d rather not see Symbio try to get in the way. Could be a good way to get mowed over.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    Maybe you are broken. Mine seem to be indexing just fine.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @semmickphoto wrote:

    @nikd90 wrote:

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    I dont know but my indexing has stopped as well. I had like 1007 images indexed out of 1061 and then it fell back to 993 and stayed there for the last week. No idea why that is, but the last 5% is not being indexed.

    If you have similar photos with similar caption and keywords, google would index only 1. This is according to my experience

    All titles and descriptions are unique, but not by much. I dont have any exact duplicates, I did that to improve SEO.

    But I messed it all up anyways when I started renaming site maps. LOL

    This actually seems like a solid keyword spam violation.

    My main site won’t index quite a few, and will move backwards or forwards depending on how actively I’m writing content. I post the new portfolio entries weekly but, I’m slow to write a post.

    Either that, or one of the big guys bought favoritism. lol.
    (laugh but, at this point it could be true)

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    Good luck on that.

    Seriously odd that someone would use that as their profile pic. But, if your lucky he’ll change it … and if you’re really lucky he might pay for it.

    Not sure that it matters, people do this kind of thing all of the time. Luckily, he didn’t use it for profit.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @jsfoto wrote:

    @sandorgora wrote:

    same here; and yes: i think keywords are working more than searching on a map.


    I don’t mean to say I dislike the idea.
    It will be a huge seller (or maybe boring niche) for people who photograph places of exclusively local content. But, from someone who searches for images and who works with people that are constantly searching. Keywords are of the utmost importance.

    I’ve been using Image Metadata Cruncher on my other site. So far it’s worked so well that I’ve received a penalty on my portfolio pages.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @leo wrote:

    Might be a good way to get lots of unanounced visitors if your lonely

    Oh, how I hate unannounced visitors. I still doubt many would show up here though.

    @joannsnover wrote:

    Dreamstime has this feature and I have to say I don’t use it. My camera doesn’t automatically record location and given the extra work involved to click on their map, I skip it.

    I could be completely wrong, but I get the impression that people looking for a specific location (and I’m sure there are many types of outdoor images where that’s the case) will type in a keyword, either generic – such as Caribbean – or specific – such as Santa Monica Pier.

    If I thought this was something that would address some buyer need – something that would make “shopping” much more fun or easier for them – I’d absolutely put in the work to add that information

    I wouldn’t want to miss an important trend, but I also don’t have time to waste, and thus far I haven’t seen geo tagging really do much for stock photography (as in Dreamstime is a bottom feeder in the top tier and I’d have figured their sales might have improved relative to the top performers if this was something useful)

    To be quite honest, when we’re searching for images at work. Things like, happy children, family summer, idk … Hopefully you get the idea. I have yet to actually search for a location centralized image. I think in the building we have 4 dslr’s though. But, you’re talking a tiny newspaper in the middle of nowhere, there are weeks that we publish 50+- advertisements, and there are weeks where we are lucky to have…. idk 10 …

    The service that provides our art is pretty good however, it seems like they are slow to add new content. I believe every contributor there is paid either hourly or piece rate. Not really sure, they’re great to work with and very professional. The agency is, if I had a hope for ever making a career out of stock I’d like it to be something like what the do. Monthly catalog and all.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    Can I geotag all of mine “chair in living room”? lol

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @leo wrote:

    Have you solved this one yet?

    No, I just kind of gave up.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @christine wrote:

    type short version or site name here

    Thanks a ton!

    @ariene wrote:

    Today I’m doing a lot changes with editing keywords and I’m logged out again and again… Every few files edited and saved I must login again… Drives me crazy! Ughhh 😡
    Any ideas what’s wrong? I have newest WP version (automatic actual.) and 3.3.4 Sys.

    Been a few days, have you tried any of the things I posted?

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @leo wrote:

    Thanks for fixing these issues together guys 8)

    Trying to anyhow.
    How do you guys get links in your signatures? Mine just shows the bbc or html no matter what.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @ariene wrote:

    Today I’m doing a lot changes with editing keywords and I’m logged out again and again… Every few files edited and saved I must login again… Drives me crazy! Ughhh 😡
    Any ideas what’s wrong? I have newest WP version (automatic actual.) and 3.3.4 Sys.

    Actually might have found an answer.

    “Are you using any plugins that redirect the user to the login page? I was using the “Registered Users Only” plugin on one site and it was causing the same problem. After I removed the plugin, the problem went away.”

    That is from if you’re not using that plugin maybe one of the other solutions will work.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @leo wrote:

    I’m happy to report things are moving along swiftly now.

    It may be hard for many of you to appreciate the finer points, but I’ll list what we have so far.

    1. The css is used creating the SASS system: … what this means for you: An elegant look, great styles.

    2. We are using jquery UI … what this means for you: Slick user interface in the admin and front-end.

    3. An uploader that is extendable. …what this means for you: Now you can do general uploads or specific uploads (such as updating an image with a better file you may have edited) + the ability for other plugins to create new types of products with their own upload routine.

    There are some more points, but I’ll get to them later.

    The difference between this development run and the one that started Symbiostock – The first time was reactionary and time-crunched, with some microstock frenzy driving the ideas. This time is like carefully putting together a model ship or working on a trophy car. Everything is being loved and shined up with every step of the way.

    Sadly I might have to detour yet again as some paying jobs have come in, and I must take those.

    Overall though I’m happy to report things are going well.

    Good to hear 🙂

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @apotterdd wrote:

    I found it! It was on the PayPal site which is weird because it never happened before with my first sale wonder why the he double hockey sticks it decided to start up this time?

    So now I need to figure out how to refund the $6.00 charge to the customer. Any ideas would be very helpful.


    The $6.00 charge was set up in the shipping preferences in PayPal years ago when I was selling physical goods on my site. I’ve deactivated that so that won’t happen again. I also issued the refund for that amount the customer was charged so they should get that email soon.

    Still waiting for them to email me back about which browser they were using so I can pin point their download issue or I could email the image to them which I left as their choice.

    Mac with safari has download issues. If they change the .html to .jpg or whatever it’s supposed to be it should work. Sometimes it’s just easier to e-mail than try to explain though 😉

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @bomboman wrote:

    @christine wrote:

    Hi and Welcome to Symbiostock.

    I have no idea what is causing your error message, hopefully someone will be along later who has.

    Have you installed and activated the required plug-ins?

    Hi Christine,

    I’ve activated all required plug-ins and I also try to deactivate plugins but the massage is still shown. 😥

    Related posts by taxonomy also? It would seem that’s the culprit.

    edit: If you’ve already installed and activated those two required ones then I wouldn’t imagine another reason for seeing that.

    Profile photo of dp69_2001

    @scenicoregon wrote:

    All the previous mentioned, except I don’t know what the “dublin core is”, and I’ve not used the cart manager so no opinion on that. My adds to take away:
    -all the Symbiostock network/news stuff that a customer won’t care about, specifically on the image pages (already mentioned)
    -the twitter and facebook icons that show up in the footer with Leo’s credits– don’t mind giving him credit, but those icons there make it seem like that ‘s how to get ahold of me, not Leo
    -can we lose the finickyness of the image processor?
    -the slowness of searches and page-loading
    -that customers have no way of editing their user profiles? Am I missing something here?
    -that the exclusivity default has never worked
    -That a header image can never be made as wide as the header menu bar– it is automatically sized down to a size that is shorter

    hmmmm, this is really very hard

    You do have the ability to force the header image. Personally, the stupid cart manager has never worked for me. I enable it and it is disabled again within minutes.

    I could do without process images, just sending them to drafts … or having the keywording and categories part of process images and then sending them to published. It’s just a redundant time waster to have both. I can’t figure out how to hide just the image # above the pricing options. But, I could just be slightly retarded.

    I think coupon codes are something that has come up repeatedly over the year. So, I’m sure people would like that.

    Otherwise, I haven’t really played around with my site much lately. I’d love for it to look more “stockish” but I’ve been trying to focus on actually getting content and hopefully sales. This is definitely exciting to be involved in. Anything that can increase the speed and usability of the sites you can hack out of there in my opinion. 😉

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