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    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Is it happening with all the users or only those using a particular service? I had a problem early on with my home service provider, (Cablevision)blocking registration e-mails. They had a block that related to the Symbiostock links. I would get the e-mails if I registered a test with my G-mail account but not Optimum. If you can get one through to another email account try deleting the Symbiostock links and forward it. Also try forwarding with the Symbiostock links in tact and deleting your links to try and see which links might be the problem.

    I had to work with my service provider to get them unblocked but it wasn’t easy.

    A suggestion for Leo, would it be an easy solution to have a checkbox for sending HTML version or plain text versions on the auto-response e-mail for those having trouble if the links are blocking e-mails?

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I think maybe the problem and solution relates to your multi-site set up. I did a Google search on the missing “anyone can register” issue and came up with a few different responses but this seemed to relate to your issue.

    I am going out on the limb here and guess that you may have a multisite setup. If so, you may have the Network Admin link, and the registration setting you are looking for would be under the Settings tab in Network Admin.

    Do you have a settings tab for a network admin? If so, try that, otherwise, try a Google search or search the help files to see if there is a solution there.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Thanks! I’ll give that a try tomorrow when I’m not half-asleep.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @quailrunphotos wrote:

    I created the info.php file from the other thread and it shows I am running 5.4.2.

    Should I downgrade back to 5.3?

    David (or anyone else reading that can help), would you please elaborate on this? I’m just dipping my toes into this php stuff and not real clear on what to do.

    Here is the direction given from the other thread:

    To be sure, what php version you have, create file with

    < ?php

    and put it in root folder. Then call your_site/info.php

    Would the step-by-step instructions be:
    Go to my C-Panel and they select the File Manager
    Highlight the root directory
    Add a file that has has the info between < and > (including those symbols). Do I create that as a text file on notepad and upload or do I use the New File option right on my file manager page?

    And when it says to “call your_site/info.php” I understand that “your_site” means that I insert my site name there but where do I “call” the site – is that another way of saying I should put in the search bar as I would put any site url and that calls up the info?


    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @redneck wrote:

    @klsbear wrote:

    Is this referring to a code error that we all should fix?

    Error sounds pretty harsh, it’s more like a flaw. I’m sure when Leo sees this he’ll fix it for future updates.

    I didn’t mean for my post to come across as harsh. I just get really confused when I come to the forum and read a post like this becuse it’s not clear if this is something we all should do to fix a bug or improve something or if you’re just tweaking something on your site.

    I guess your reference to Leo updating it in a future release indicates it’s something I don’t need to be concerned with right now.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Is this referring to a code error that we all should fix?

    I’m finding all the “code” talk to be very confusing since I don’t have a programming background. It’s hard to sort out if the posts are about correcting a code error we should all make or if it’s a just making a tweak to change something visual or textual that an individual wants to make on their site.

    It might be a good idea to have a post that a moderator makes sticky to list code fixes we should all make. It may also help Leo by having those somewhere he can easily find and grab to change in future releases.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Crackerclips might be on to something. A lot of traffic may have come from other MSG members checking out our sites linking from signatures. Now we’re over here so we don’t get some of that traffic.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Here’s a possible clue…

    I was looking back at a blog I moderated with a couple of admins about 3 years ago. One of the guest bloggers had sent his blog post to one of the admins to upload and it has his blog post with “by Mary Lou” as the byline with the Google picture. Presumably Google picked it up that way since she uploaded it.

    Was Leo logged in as an admin on your site to resolve any problems and did he run a reprocess? Perhaps it picked up his name? Maybe if you go to user settings, change him to the “does not have a role with this site” option then go to the images in question, open to Edit, make a minor change like clicking then un-clicking a category and save the change. Reprocess the public images then check firebug to see if that gets rid of his name and picks up yours instead.

    Like Jo Ann, I have some on Google with a name attribute and some without anything. I’m not sure why it’s pulling info that way. Perhaps it was a change along the way with one of the recent versions and the time Google indexes them.

    I have one image that Google has indexed as the with the image number and slug as the title but when I click on it I am taken to a different image. I also have several that are indexing images to a sitemap and when I click on those I get a long text list from the site map.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @shelma1 wrote:

    You’re all free to change or modify whatever you like. If there are problems with Bluehost, though, I’d recommend changing the online instructions. If you want to attract artists, I’d keep things as simple as possible so you don’t scare people away.

    @shelma1 wrote:

    No, you can’t. I own the copyright to my work. You absolutely do not have my permission to use one word of it.

    Shelma, I’m a bit confused. In the first post quoted you say we can change or modify what we like and later say no we can not change one word and implying copyright violation if we use it.

    I thought your overall summary was good but agree that cidepix and Cathy have valid concerns with use of specific terms like commission and join that make it sound like there is a central agency.

    So are you saying now that this was all for nothing as none of us can use this?

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    My understanding of Jetpack is that it needs a WordPress.
    com login and our Symbiostock sites are on a site. I had a site for other purposes and just used that login without any problems. You may just need to create a site that is private and not visible to the public just so you have a separate login available to set it up.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    @shelma1 wrote:

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    When the piece is done, can we use it on our sites?

    Of course, I volunteered to help…I give you all rights to use this piece of copy.

    Thanks for all the responses!

    Next question:

    What benefits does Symbiostock offer potential contributors that other stock sites do not?

    What benefits does Symbiostock offer potential buyers that other stock sites do not?

    I might have missed it but one big benefit for contributors that I didn’t see mentioned was Instant Access to your money once the sale has been made. No waiting to hit any minimum payout amounts, no waiting until it’s processed at the end of the month, no hassles with having to request to be paid before a cut-off time. When a buyer makes a purchase the money is instantly accessible in your Paypal account.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    I jumped in early and have a basic set up but haven’t had time lately to take my site to the next level. One thing I find challenging is keeping up with the changes and possibilities. Amanda’s tutorials are a good place to start but I think what would be a big help would be a couple of downloadable manuals. Perhaps those willing to set up a site would tackle creating a manual.

    What I envision is a couple of distinct manuals, one covering just installation and a second one covering the basic info needed such as sample welcome letters, suggested layouts and widgets for the front page with the verbiage to put in widgets and so on. I know I need to improve my site with info for buyers on how to purchase, search tips, etc. if someone were to crate a basic site complete with the text and provide a step by step on how to get there it would help teach someone how to get to step one and also manage their site going forward. I know the info is out there but it is confusing trying to sort through what is needed and what are bells and whistles along with sorting out what is required like a privacy policy, cookie policy, etc.

    Profile photo of KLSbear

    The issues I had early on were during my testing. My home internet provider had some very tight spam blockers in place and they were blocking and deleting the e-mails before it could get through. (this was with Cablevision / Optimum network in metro New York area)

    If I registered with a gmail account it worked and it was working for others too. I was able to get it sorted out with Cablevision over the course of a few weeks and they assured me it was a global fix that would not block the e-mails for anyone. It was the Symbiostock back-links that caused the problem. (I tested by forwarding registration e-mails received via e-mail and if I deleted the Symbiostock links it went through)

    My suggestion would be to ask your client about their company’s or ISP’s spam blocker as a possible problem. Maybe registering with a different e-mail would work.

    Profile photo of KLSbear


    Profile photo of KLSbear

    Congrats Joann, it’s a beautiful images. In a way, it was a “food” images – it’s just still in the picnic basket waiting to be unpacked.

    I haven’t seen a run on food images on my site – still waiting for my first sale, but maybe Leo knows something I don’t know.

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