You may experience unpredictable results if your memory limit is set too low. Images may take longer to process, and pages may even refuse to load. This needs to be set higher based on the number of images you have. If you have reached the limit your server will allow, consider upgrading.

WordPress, in its base core, uses approximately 40MB of memory. Once you add plugins, more overhead exists. Therefore, most sites should work reasonably well at 96MB. However, as Symbiostock does process images, assume that you will have to tack on another 20MB for each one-thousand images. So if you run a site with 10,000 images, you should try to have at least 240MB of memory available.

You need to change this setting in two places – php.ini and wp-config.php. One alters the memory at a server level, and the other is within WordPress.

Note: Not all hosts permit the editing of this. You may have to contact your provider if this issue persists.

In wp-config.php:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');

In php.ini:

memory_limit = 96M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume

And if all that fails, in .htaccess:

php_value memory_limit 96M

It is important you consider fixing these settings if they are too low to prevent future problems. Note that with Symbiostock Hosting, you do not need to worry about this setting as it is optimized for Symbiostock.