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  • #41410
    Profile photo of Robin

    Hey guys – first of all, many apologies about the long (long) hiatus in discussion. We’ve had a lot of other priorities which have delayed updates and our ability to actively support the product. That being said, Symbiostock is still rocking hard with the tested and confirmed versions of WooCommerce and WordPress – however, as has been indicated, new versions of everything, including PHP, have placed additional demands on the team, and so, we are now at a point where upgrades would be helpful. 🙂

    We have received numerous offers and suggestions from users who love the software, indicating they would be happy to pay a monthly subscription fee to use Symbiostock to support periodic updates.

    As we had always planned to keep Symbiostock free, unfortunately the WordPress ecosystem “upgrades” very fast, which requires a lot of compatibility updates, even if new features are not really added. We do now see that a subscription model would create a sustainable environment, as long as we had enough users actively supporting the software.

    Please provide some thoughts and feedback in this thread so we can make a decision about how to go about it, if we were to switch to a paid subscription model. We still believe Symbiostock is likely the most powerful software suite out there for photographers who want to sell their media without being gouged by agencies, so it would be great to be able to create a sustainable solution that everyone is happy with.


    Profile photo of blog

    I would be very interested in the PlugIn being developed further!
    Especially that the last version is not compatible with PHP8 and PHP 8.1 etc..

    What about support, or what must we do to Symbiostock meet the current hosting settings (all hosting providers completely discontinue PHP version 7.4 for example!). Primarily for security & performance reasons!

    Thanks in advance!

    Profile photo of Kirill

    Is there any decision regarding monthly subscription? Shall we expect any updates?
    Supporting newer versions of PHP stat being critical.


    Profile photo of Michael

    If it helps, do it 🙂 What is about a yearly fee as other plug-ins work? In which amount you think?

    Profile photo of Kirill

    Hello. Dear developers, could you give at least some answer to the fate of your product, remaining silent and keeping your customers in the dark is not very good, it seems to me. The situation with updates and the transition to a new version of PHP and woocommerce is already critical.

    Profile photo of Greg

    Not knowing what the plan is from your point of view makes it hard to give any real valuable comment.

    I am ok with a subscription for a good and well-supported solution IF it is supported, maintained and updated.

    That said …

    1. What are subscription rates for options like monthly, quarterly, yearly?
    2. Are there going to be different versions, i.e. paid and unpaid? In the paid are there additional levels, e.g. Basic and Pro?
    3. If we are paying for it what support comes with it? These forums are not monitored enough by you to give me the confidence paying for it will get better support.
    4. What and how will support be provided? A forum for support is not sufficient as is evident now.
    5. Keeping Symbiostock up to date. As a paid subscriber I would expect that the software is maintained and up to date with any required latest software PHP, Litespeed and WP plugins, i.e. WordPress itself and of course WooCommerce.

    As others have pointed out 100’s of times on these forums the lack of support and forum replies for long periods, even for this post, have been very poor and do not provide any confidence that things will change even if we started paying for it.

    Just apologising for not replying and being on a long hiatus is not acceptable if this becomes a paid solution.

    Profile photo of Michael

    Hey Robin,
    do you have any news for us? You’re thinking in further development? Can we help you?
    If not, can you recommend another solution – even if yours for me is the really best one!
    Thanks for your good work – hope you can keep on 🙂
    Best regards

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