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  • #27288

    The categories I have created are not showing up anywhere on my page. Any idea why this is?

    Also, is it possible to mass list photos for sale, or does a new post need to be made for everyone?

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi there – are you using Symbiostock Lite or Pro?

    A new post needs to be made for every image, but this is generally automated by just uploading the image.

    As for categories not showing up, that’s theme dependent. Symbiostock has nothing to do with that – it’s all WooCommerce.

    Profile photo of Robin

    Hi Stella – themes are the part of WordPress that determine how your content is displayed. If you look on the sidebar here, for example, you will see we provide a theme for Symbiostock called Symbiostock Express which a number of users use. There are thousands of themes out there, some good, some not, some easy to use, some extremely complex. Express tries to find a middle ground and we have documentation on setting it up.

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