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  • #29013

    George sent me a message saying my products page is not working this morning…. Thanks George.

    I run my site and all products cannot be displayed. I then upload the backup copy of files to my site, nothing changed!


    I then noticed that my front page slide image linked to my product page. While I click that, the product was displayed correctly. The difference I noticed is that, whenever the URL has ?, it works well.

    For example,    working well…    nope, cannot find page.


    It is suprising as I set permalink to
    Post name
    and it was working perfectly in the past 1 year.


    Then I change permalink to
    all product pages are back to live.


    I then change permalink back to
    Post name
    all pages are working as before.


    Interesting but I cannot figure out the reason why the setting stop working until I redo it. I report this in case anyone run into the same issue to save time in trouble shooting.




    Profile photo of Robin

    Thanks for sharing. This is something to do with WordPress permalinks and has nothing to do with Symbiostock. No clue why something like that would happen, but another example of why we are so strict with supported versions – seems not all developers do the rigorous testing we do prior to release which results in weird things like this that can take your whole site down.


    Thanks Robin. Very appreciate you and the teams work to create such a well-tested and mature platform.

    Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!

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