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  • #642
    Profile photo of KennyK

    Hey folks, hello to the group! I am KennyK, vector cartoon illustrator and new member – and anxious to get my Symbiostock site fully functional. As soon as I found out about Symbiostock I thought it was a great idea and decided to join. I’ve had my initial setup done so it’s published and visible online (, however because my schedule’s been out of control lately, I haven’t had a chance to read up on all the online Symbiostock resources and get in there myself to upload all my content, make text and design tweaks, etc. So it’s visibly and embarrassingly unfinished at the moment, but still available for everyone to see.

    So my questions for now are:

    1) How do I un-publish or hide my site, while I get my act together over here behind the scenes? I poked around in WP and don’t see how I can do this. Though I’m familiar the basics of some web software packages from maintaining my own sites with over the years, WP is new to me.

    2) I’ve been getting a few “new user registration” notices in the last couple of days. What does this enable a registrant to do at this point? I’m not ready to start selling files yet; my license agreement and pricing haven’t been defined, and my hi-res and vector content isn’t uploaded yet, although it appears that the purchasing process is functional. I don’t want someone to make a purchase at this point and get nothing. The big point here is that I don’t want to turn off potential new purchasers; I figure I have one shot at making a good impression on someone who finds me online, and if I appear unprofessional and disorganized, they’re never coming back to me.

    So what are my options here, and how do I go about doing this? Thanks folks, any help for a newbie would be greatly appreciated! I hope to be up and running within a month.


    Profile photo of Christine

    Duplicate post, answers in other one so closing this to try and keep your answers in one place - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

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