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  • #940
    Profile photo of Christine

    STOCK IMAGES (ladybird/ladybug)

    All Images

    This is where all your images are listed and where they are put so you can edit them with their descriptions, categories, SEO data etc.

    Image Categories

    Here you can add, delete and edit the categories you wish to use for your images, useful with Symbiostock and for SEO

    Image Keywords

    Here you can add, edit and delete keywords such as those you have misspelt or added accidentally

    Upload Images

    This is one of the methods you can use for uploading your image, you can also use FTP and the path details are listed in this tab.

    Process Images

    This is where your images go when they are first uploaded, from here you chose the rating (Green, Yellow or Red) and Process them either to drafts so you can add keywords, SEO, categories etc or direct to Publish. It is recommended that you use unique titles for your images on Symbiostock to help with SEO which means you would process them to Draft first.

    Image Sitemap

    If you have purchased the Symbiostock Image Sitemap Plugin this is where you will find the sitemap


    (excluding main tab)

    You may have some or all of these depending on whether you have the Symbostock Professional Plugin

    Cart Manager

    Here you can see who has added items to a cart and abandoned it and who has purchased which items. If someone has made a purchase or you wish to give them something extra or free you can allow downloads of items in carts.

    Code Lab

    This is another plug-in for snippets of code when a theme update is not required but something some people required. For instance instead of having 24 images in the search results you can have up to 96

    Batch Editor

    Part of the Professional plug-in for editing and working with keywords, categories, collections, twitter, licences etc


    Part of the Professional plug-in for setting up Twitter

    Quick Licences

    Part of the Professional plug-in for licence creation (may be for older version licences) - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

    Profile photo of ShazamImages

    FYI: Not everyone understands what a ladybird is. Most of North America calls it a lady bug or ladybug.

    When I first started Symbiostock and was reading about a ladybird, I had no idea what they were talking about.

    You might also want to consider putting an image of a ladybird / ladybug next to the word so that it might make it easier for people to understand.

    Profile photo of Leo

    Ladybird! I’ll add a little “ladybug/ladybird” edit…

    Its actually a neat history:

    The ladybird is an insect that is found in Coccinellidae which is a family of beetles. The name Ladybirds originated in Britain where the insects were known as Our Lady’s Bird as Mary(Our Lady) was most often depicted as wearing a red cloak in early paintings of her and the seven spots in the insect were used to symbolize the seven joys and seven sorrows.

    Profile photo of scooty

    Just my tuppence worth ( two cents in some of the Colonies!!!) 🙄 on the question of ladybird/bugs

    And I wonder how many of these photographs of the little blighters are on SymS?

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