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    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I thought I’d give the PiicturEngine connection a try – while the advertising only account is still a free trial – and although today I can see some images in a search there, things aren’t right and I’m not sure how to fix it.

    1. If you search for girl nail biting or woman home office you will see a couple of my images. If you click on the link it goes to my site as expected, but there’s no reference tag at the end – if I search in ajt’s global search and pick my image, ? is added to the URL. I don’t know how I would track who refers someone to the site, but it seems important to know so that it can be tracked. Shouldn’t there be a ? on there?

    2. My XML file says I have 1353 images with promos, but only 60-something show up on PicturEngine. Here’s the beginning of the file

    < ?xml version="1.0"?>
    14 1353 100 1.2.6 2.9.9

    My premium version is 1.3.7, and it’d be better if you have the version number for it to be the right one. It says 14 pages, but on screen I can only see the XML for the first “page” of 100 – how do I see the whole thing? I looked around a bit on my site but couldn’t see a file

    3. I added 3 images yesterday and modified the keywords/title/description of another (that was missing metadata because I’d goofed). I used the batch editor to make promo images of those last night. Checking this morning the three new images show up on PicturEngine (although the check box for Searchable was unchecked for some reason), but the changed image still has its old information.

    I didn’t delete the promo image for the modified file, just selected it and said make promo image. It shouldn’t be necessary to delete the old if you want to create a new one – just one more step with no obvious benefit.

    4. I only added three new images, so it was easy to know what to search for, but suppose I just added 30 images to a variety of categories. How am I supposed to find them in the batch editor so I can make promo previews for them? As you’ve said the bulk edit tools aren’t supposed to work, and that’s the only place you can arrange files in date order, it seems there just isn’t a way to do this.

    Profile photo of Christine

    The only bit of this I think I can answer is that it will take as long for changes to show up as it does the original images as they have to be re-imported, then go through the waits on PE as well.

    I found it easiest to edit the similar images, then find them in the batch editor (as I need to, to add licences, exclusivity, model releases etc) and do the Promo bit at the same time. Time consuming but this way it picks up all the new ones. - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    Regarding the comment about the changes showing up – I was referring to the view of images in the photographer account interface, not publicly visible.

    In my list of Images , I saw three new ones I added last night, so it obviously picked up some changes. I don’t know why it didn’t pick up the edits to the one I modified.

    I can’t see the whole XML file (item 2) so I don’t know if my changes made it to the XML file or not.

    Profile photo of Christine

    I cannot see mine at the moment to check/compare as I cannot use the Prof. plug-in - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    An update from this morning’s check. The images PicturEngine “sees” are now searchable, but I still see only 54 images (in the photographer account section) in spite of my XML file from my Symbiostock site saying there are 1,353


    The interval (in the account settings area) is set to daily and a few new images were picked up after the initial batch, so it’s not the case that PicturEngine isn’t retrieving updates to the file.

    The only other thing to note is that the 54 images I can see on PicturEngine include a few from the first “page” of my XML file (and why are there pages for a file like this? – seems bizarre) but the bulk are from the portion of it I can’t view (item 2 from original post)

    Profile photo of Christine

    I can only see the first page as well

    I should have 1014 – will try and find missing ones once I can use the Prof plug in again

    PE shows I have 972 images – not sure which ones are missing. The most recent – from this month are on PE site but not visible in search - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I just got a call from Justin at PicturEngine – apparently they have some sort of flag that goes up when someone goes repeatedly to certain pages, indicating they might need help 🙂

    He first said that only 54 images were processed because there is no license type (the XML file has for every image), but I pointed out that every entry in the file was that way and yet 54 got processed.

    He then wiped my account of images and set a new “fetch” in motion and it’s now grabbing everything. There is some initial “grab” of images, daily “updates” and something he described as an audit every couple of weeks which does some sort of checking.

    The action item for Leo from this conversation is that license_type needs to be specified and PicturEngine is expecting RF or RM for the type. Justin talked at length about varying license types scaring buyers off, but that’s a conversation for another thread 🙂

    Justin also mentioned that some Symbiostock sites had accounts but had not put their marketer number into their PicturEngine account – and that without that no images will get sent over.

    He also mentioned that he wasn’t going to start charging for advertising-only clients until they’d been advertising PicturEngine for a month. I asked if he’d keep us up to date on when that started and he said we’d get e-mail giving us a month’s notice when that happens.

    I had seen some Shutterstock images showing up on PicturEngine (not mine) and asked about that. He said that they had some database issues and are rebuilding their Shutterstock database, and that they had not yet enabled duplicate removal (where any images an advertising-only Symbiostock site had on Shutterstock would be removed where they were duplicates of a Symbiostock image).

    Justin also mentioned wanting a delete function – that he had talked with Leo about it before – so PicturEngine knows to remove something from their database that was previously there. I’m guessing from that request that the absence of the image from the XML isn’t enough to get it deleted from PicturEngine. It would be pretty easy, if it was just one or two, to delete that image from PicturEngine directly, so I’m not sure this is all that important.

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