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  • #685
    Profile photo of sjlocke

    Is there a thread somewhere on how to test the paypal set up, step by step? The symbio guides page is empty for the subject.

    Also, I feel like I’m missing other things, like what do I actually do with the YOAST stuff I’ve read about, etc.

    Profile photo of Christine

    Paypal – easiest to just put an image to a low price and purchase it yourself with a second account or ask another member nicely if they will do it for you and then refund them. Some people manage to set up the sandbox but most of us try it “live” - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

    Profile photo of JoAnnSnover

    I set up the paypal Sandbox and got it to work.

    As far as the Yoast SEO stuff, it needs focus keywords entered when you publish your images. If you end up getting yourself a plugin, you might want to see about including automating that. However, SEO wants unique titles (and thus URLs) so in my case I’ve been taking the time to edit things one by one to get unique entries

    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    The focus keyword is only to check the SEO, SEO is not affected if you leave it blank.

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    @marthamarks wrote:

    @Semmick Photo wrote:

    The focus keyword is only to check the SEO, SEO is not affected if you leave it blank.

    Wow! Despite Yoasting 1330+ images to date, I didn’t know that. It’s good to know, but I’ll continue to designate it with each image. By now, it’s habit. 🙂

    Thanks for the info, Ron.

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