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  • #440
    Profile photo of Christine

    I reverted to 2.6.5. from 2.8.1 earlier so I could use my site

    I cannot process images though – I get this message:

    no decode delegate for this image format `’ @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/550

    The images are a jpgs – that has been uploaded before (before JH lost all my work)

    I have gone back to php.ini 5.3 (I dropped to php 5.2 yesterday to get 2.8.0 to work) but that did not help

    I want a time machine so I can go back to yesterday morning when everything worked nicely.

    I have just realised I have lost all my licence settings as well during up/down versions 🙁 - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

    Profile photo of marthamarks

    Yikes! So sorry to hear about all this.

    Profile photo of JoRodrigues

    That’s horrible! I guess you might have to set up large chunks of it from scratch?


    Profile photo of SemmickPhoto

    Oh no ! Thats so sad. Sorry about that Christine, I can imagine how you must feel. Sigh.

    Profile photo of Christine

    I think my site is just fated to be a pain

    I worked out what must have happened in August when my images went missing I think – JH did not back up the image file so when they had their problems they must have lost the original and then had nothing to back it up with – I have most of them back, just a couple of hundred to go now.

    Now problems with trying to upgrade – could not use, then down grade, cannot upload anything . Suppose at least I can get images ready to upload at sometime in the future = fingers crossed.

    Symbiostock itself is great, it is outside forces – such as JH losing stuff, then me doing things to it it does not like that are the problems. - trying to reopen - Art and Nail Art

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