Profile photo of googu

Hello everyone,

GooguImages.com is our (wife & I) new childrens focused stock site. Only a little more than 100 images and more to be added.
I am fairly new to stock but love photography in general along with music and film. I plan to also put up a travel site.

I’m more of an IT guy and found symbiostock fairly simple to setup as I run a hosting venture. I also forked symbiostock on github so hopefully I can be of some use to the development and community as time allows. On this forum I have seen some have issues trying to tweak the code, etc so hopefully I can help with that also.

edit: never even tried to signup with the other agencies. I primarily do this for fun with the family and neighborhood kids and we now live in London (moved from LA) so we have to find indoor activites because it rains most of the time here.